Commissioned by Plymouth City Council to deliver services to businesses and communities in Plymouth or to those businesses with over 50% of their employees having a Plymouth postcode.

Wellbeing Calendar

Our calendar features information about local and national public health campaigns, allowing you to schedule your wellbeing events for your businesses and communities.

It also provides details of any upcoming events we have organised or are attending, as well as our free-to-access workshops to keep you updated on the latest health and wellbeing news. Scroll down to subscribe to our calendar!

All Day

Pride Month

LGBT+ Pride Month, which is celebrated every year in June, is a time for the community to join together, usually at in-person festivals featuring a pride march, to highlight LGBT+ causes.

National Volunteers Week

Volunteers’ Week is supported and celebrated by small grassroots organisations as well as larger, household-name charities, who together run hundreds of activities across the UK. These activities showcase and celebrate […]