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Healthy Habits with Dave Tebb

Dave Tebb Wellbeing Champion

Wellbeing at Work celebrate Men’s Health this week by raising awareness of the wellbeing of men. In addition, we are celebrating the recent male Wellbeing Champions of Babcock International Group who have joined our programme to improve workplace wellbeing!

With that, we’d like to introduce Dave Tebb, from Babcock as well as a Wellbeing Champion within our programme! Dave has shared with us some very uplifting thoughts when it comes to building up small healthy habits, which can make a substantial difference to our daily routine, professional and personal development as well as our overall wellbeing!…

The thought of creating a better version of ourselves can seem daunting. Maybe we want to be healthier, fitter, or just lose a few pounds. Of course, this drive to find ourselves in a better place can also mean improving ourselves mentally, emotionally, or even spiritually. This is especially true if we are living through a difficult time and feel like it’s time to make a change. However, sometimes life gets in the way, or our responsibilities prevent us from keeping on track. This can lead to feeling trapped and unable to be the person we really want to be.

So where do we start when creating healthy habits in our daily routine? In that respect we all have something in common, as we can only really start from one place, and that is where we find ourselves today!

A helpful place to start is by reflecting on your current routine and seeing how you can implement some simple changes. It’s those small daily habits that make a big difference. Taking on big changes can seem insurmountable and unrealistic to fit into busy lifestyles. However, concentrating on the small daily habits that are detrimental to your life is an excellent place to start when making positive changes.

Some examples that I have recently made include getting an e-assist bike. This ensures that I get at least an hour of exercise every day cycling to work, and since I stopped driving, I have noticed some significant health benefits. I also wake up earlier in the morning, as my wife wakes up before me anyway. Rather than lying in bed for another hour I use this time to meditate. Again, I have been amazed at the positive effect this has had on me. I feel calmer, and less rushed, which helps me to start my day in a positive mood; this has also helped to lower my blood pressure.

In addition, I have been careful to make small changes to my diet by choosing what I buy at the supermarket with more attention. I’ve also started preparing my lunch the day before work, so the morning of work is more relaxed. Finally, to give me that extra boost, I always start the day with a quick homemade juice made of apple, ginger, lemon, and beetroot. I have been taking this for 6 years and have barely had a blocked nose!

Waiting for the most appropriate time to change is an illusion. I am not a fan of waiting for a New Year’s resolution or even Monday morning. You can make changes at any date or time and if it is time to act now, do it, whatever day of the week it is!

Whatever small changes you can identify in your routine, they have the potential to have a really positive impact. By focusing on small habits, and building up from there, you will be making a significant impact on your health and well-being. Remember, everything you wish to achieve in your life depends on your well-being, so look after yourself. After all you cannot pour from an empty cup.

Thank you so much Dave for your inspirational thoughts on improving our lifestyle through small but crucial changes to create a more positive and healthier life. Looking forward to hearing more from you regarding wellbeing in the future!

Babcock International are actively involved with Wellbeing at Work and our Wellbeing Champion Programme, with 76 Wellbeing Champions and still growing! Babcock has some amazing wellbeing initiatives with some really inspirational people leading wellbeing conversations within their organisation. We’re so excited to see more from Babcock as an organisation for Wellbeing at Work!