The Wellbeing Champion Team at Foundever, have had a busy month!
In addition to their normal weekly wellbeing and engagement activities, Wellbeing Champions celebrated International Men’s Day and Self-Care Week!
For International Men’s Day, they had Andy’s Man Club come and visit the main office with their internal male colleagues welcomed to join. Andy’s Man Club are a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend, peer-to-peer support groups across the UK and online. Their mission is to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation – #ITSOKTOTALK. Furthermore, Foundever Wellbeing Champions also organised a goody bag for every man working on site for that day.
During Self-Care Week, Foundever organised a variety of activities each day to raise awareness about self-care, taking time out for themselves and showing the importance of doing this. They asked their associates to make a pledge and take a selfie of their pledge to promote. They also encouraged their team to watch a self-care video created by Headspace, discussing small ways to practice self-care in difficult times.
Wellbeing Champions also organised Plymotion to visit as an added boost of movement in self-care week where associates could find out more about travel, cycling and walking to work or throughout Plymouth. They showed the team free walking apps, Plymouth Trails such as the Southwest Coast Path, Adult Cycling Training, and Bike Maintenance for those that cycle, led bike rides and advised our team on planning commutes or days out for cycling! Not only did Plymotion attend, but Bikespace also got involved, which offered free bike maintenance and a bit of TLC for those who had bicycles.
Wellbeing Champions at Foundever, also encouraged their associates to download a self-care app to start their self-care journey, giving them little reminders to aid in creating positive habits for self-care. Lastly, each Thursday Foundever run a quiz and the theme for one of their quizzes last month was self-care! Not only was this their chance to win the Quiz Trophy but there were also a number of self-care prizes to be won!
What a great way of raising awareness and celebrating the importance of International Men’s Day and Self-Care Week! Thank you for sharing, Foundever, we look forward to hearing more from you in 2025!
If you have anything you would like to share as a Wellbeing Champion in your workplace or community, contact us today at livewell.workplacehealth@nhs.net.