Last week, members from the Wellbeing at Work Team attended Thrive Plymouth: A Decade of Impact, A Future of Possibilities on Thursday, November 28th. What an amazing day it was celebrating the last 10 years of Thrive and looking ahead to the next 10! It was so great to see many individuals share their experiences of the many improvements that have been made for public health in Plymouth.
Wellbeing at Work Awards, originally called Workplace Wellbeing Charter was originally set up in 2014, and delivered by the Wellbeing at Work team to encourage businesses to prioritise staff wellbeing and health, through three levels, Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
To achieve a Bronze Award, a business has to set up a workplace wellbeing steering group, adopt an annual health needs assessment, integrate wellbeing champions, and formulate a wellbeing action plan. Silver and Gold status requires completion of Business in the Community & Public Health England Toolkits alongside an assessment document for health and wellbeing topics. Silver requires the completion of three topics, and Gold requires the completion of four topics. The topics include:
- Sleep and Recovery
- Domestic Abuse
- Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
- Musculoskeletal Health
- Reducing the Risk of Suicide
- Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight
- Mental Health
Businesses are also encouraged to link with both the NHS Health Check programme and the programmes delivered by One You Plymouth e.g. smoking cessation.
A wide variety of public and private sector businesses have taken part in the award scheme over the years. Since 2018, 31 awards have been issued to businesses across the city, who each receive a formal certificate for their efforts. Plymouth City Council has achieved a Silver Award.
Jennifer Jenkins, Specialist Health Improvement Practitioner and Advisor of the Wellbeing at Work Awards said “The awards programme has helped improve staff health and wellbeing within Plymouth businesses creating a more positive and supportive working environment. By setting up a workplace wellbeing steering group, adopting an annual health needs assessment, including wellbeing champions, and a wellbeing action plan, a business can help prioritise employee wellbeing”.
If you wish to find out more about the last 10 years, read their report on Thrive Plymouth: A Decade of Impact, A Future of Possibilities, here.