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International Women’s Day with Suzanne Williams at Livewell Southwest

Charley and Suzanne smiling whilst sitting on a sofa

For International Women’s Day, Charley Roberts Health Improvement Practitioner and Wellbeing Champion Lead and Shawnie Lea Health Improvement Advisor, part of Wellbeing at Work and Wellbeing Champions, wanted to celebrate the female Wellbeing Champions who are making some amazing changes within their organisations for Wellbeing.

We caught up with several female champions from different organisations all doing a variety of things to ensure that wellbeing is at the forefront of their workplace. Here is our interview with Suzanne Williams, Team Secretary and Wellbeing Champion at Westbourne Unit from Livewell Southwest, read more to see what she has to say when it comes to being a Wellbeing Champion in her workplace…

Thank you for meeting with us today to celebrate International Women’s Day by recognising your efforts as a Wellbeing Champion in your workplace. We know you have been doing some great work within your team, creating a wellbeing room, your work around carers and the menopause group! With that, what made you want to become a Wellbeing Champion?

“I am passionate about caring for others, and my life experiences have produced many challenges over the years.  I initially joined the NHS due to my caring nature and desire to support others.  My mix of careers including working for a Care Provider (private sector), having an interest in Human Resources, and gaining life experiences has led me to where I am today.  I strive to support, to listen, value colleagues, help boost morale and avoid burnout.”

It’s amazing to hear the passion you have, to support others! How do you think your Champion role benefits Westbourne Unit?

“I feel the Wellbeing Champion role is an additional prop to supporting management and should be positively welcomed across the Organisation.  The Wellbeing Champion role is important in spreading the word, offering wellbeing support and positivity, encouraging diversity, inclusion, and creativity in addition to the ongoing development of new ideas to benefit the Organisation as we move forward.”

Have you had any highlights as a champion so far?

“I enjoy attending the varied training opportunities and seeking new challenges.  When staff contact me for wellbeing advice/support and I receive positive feedback from sharing information/training opportunities, it feels like such an achievement and that I am fulfilling my role in life.  I have many highlights with some exciting ongoing work in progress but am thrilled to be jointly working with my colleague Sharon, OT, to run a successful Menopause Group specifically for CLDT staff.  Also, being nominated last year for the new LSW People’s Award (Wellbeing) was such a boost – I may not have won but felt like I had!”

That’s amazing, congratulations on your nomination for Wellbeing! As a Wellbeing Champion do you have any tips to share with other champions?

“Although there can be times of frustration when things don’t quite go to plan, keep going as the positive rewards soon outweigh the negatives!”

Any last words Suzanne, for others who would be interested in becoming a Champion?

I love the role of Wellbeing Champion, it can be a rollercoaster of ups and downs, trials, and errors, but the initial training received, support, forums and ongoing training opportunities with the Wellbeing Team is amazing.  I would highly recommend joining us!

Thank you, Suzanne, for meeting with us to celebrate International Women’s Day and share with other Wellbeing Champions and Workplaces what you are doing at Westbourne Unit within Livewell Southwest. We look forward to seeing more from you in the future!

Livewell Southwest actively take part in our Wellbeing Champion Programme, currently with 74 Wellbeing Champions!