Commissioned by Plymouth City Council to deliver services to businesses and communities in Plymouth or to those businesses with over 50% of their employees having a Plymouth postcode.

Read the Latest on Wellbeing Champions from Plymouth City Council

Wellbeing champions within Plymouth City Council on a Teams meeting for hybrid working

We recently caught up with Jemma Bell, Wellbeing & Engagement Co-ordinator from Plymouth City Council. Jemma is our main lead for Wellbeing Champions and Wellbeing at Work Awards within the organisation and she wanted to share with us her recent achievements on a Wellbeing Champion Buddy Scheme, which had been piloted within Plymouth City Council.

Jemma’s initial idea for the Buddy Scheme was to encourage Wellbeing Champions to be proactively used across the organisation in different departments, so that more were involved in ensuring wellbeing in the workplace. From trialling out the scheme, Jemma shared with us that it has been a complete success and will be an ongoing offer within the organisation!

Here’s what Jemma shared with us on the scheme…

Sometimes we just need someone to listen to help get us through these really busy and challenging times.

So at Plymouth City Council I came up with the idea of a Wellbeing Champion Buddy Scheme! A proactive way to maximise the use of our Wellbeing Champions for staff when they are in need.

Any member of staff can be referred for a Wellbeing Champion Buddy, Wellbeing Champions are then matched up with the individual based on job role, availability and personality. The Champion will then give the individual a minimum of 15 minutes of their time once a week for six weeks to help them get through any challenges – similar to a befriending service. 

This proactive measure has already seen referrals coming in with so much positive feedback! We’ve had one individual stating “I found it incredibly helpful to just know I had someone to talk to at the end of the week.” and with another expressing that it has prevented them going sick as they said “If it had not been for this buddy scheme I think I would have taken time off work.”

Amazing work from Jemma at Plymouth City Council and shout out to Plymouth City Council Wellbeing Champions, Tony Davey Engagement Officer at the Box, Jason Morris Customer Advisor for our Customer Contact Centre, Shaun Badmin Health and Safety Consultant, Alan Hockings Commissioning Assistant and Kevin Treweeks Unison Lead Representative who are providing excellent connections for colleagues within the organisation to support their wellbeing at work! As we all know, connections are imperative to create a supportive network and positive community around us.

Plymouth City Council has been working with our Wellbeing Champion Programme within Wellbeing at Work since 2018, achieving 58 Champions in total! Plymouth City Council have also achieved their Bronze Award in 2020 and Silver Award in 2021 for our Wellbeing at Work Awards – A brilliant accomplishment PCC! We look forward to seeing more Wellbeing at Work from you!